• it’s easy. They don’t need to depend on anyone for having fun while eating. They have their phones for that
  • They do not know what to talk about
  • They have no Friendship
  • They can’t bond with anyone
  • They’re not confident in their social abilities

What they can do about it

  • Approach other strangers
    • why don’t they do it:
      • too much uncertainty
      • fear of rejection
      • what if the other person wants to sit alone

What I can do about it

  • Sit with them. Get to know them. Discover an interest they have. Connect them to other people who share that interest. That would basically mean I would be a middle man in between
  • Other idea I have is to incentivise people sitting alone to approach other people sitting alone, which is a more passive way of doing things

Why is this important

  • It’s one thing to eat alone, and it’s another thing to eat alone while wanting to eat with people but not being able to for whatever reason(Loneliness). I’ve felt that and it’s not a nice feeling.
    • that’s why I wanna help end that