
Application Note

1 - Tiago’s Story

  • Used it to complement his medical treatment of chronic illness
  • Turned ideas and synthesized them into actionable advice

3 - How it works


Makes our ideas concrete

Reveal New Associations

  • Let the most varying inputs interact with eachother
    • From a tweet to an official research paper
    • From a TikTok to a book

Incubating our ideas over time

  • Slow burn

Sharpening our unique perspectives

  • Most jobs don’t require knowledge, they require the application and perspective of knowledte

Stages of PKM

  • Remember things they may have trouble with retaining
    • The first way that people tend to use their Second Brain is as a memory aid. They use their digital notes to save facts and ideas that they would have trouble recalling otherwise: takeaways from meetings, quotes from interviews, or the details of a project, for example.

      • Research resports, etc
  • Connect ideas together
    • Thinking tool
    • Take note of previous experiences to act as mental models for the future
  • Creating
    • Eventually, the third and final way that people use their Second Brain is for creating new things. They realize that they have a lot of knowledge on a subject and decide to turn it into something concrete and shareable. Seeing so much supporting material ready and waiting gives them the courage to put their own ideas out there and have a positive impact on others.

CODE Method to Remember

Capture, Organize, Distill, Express


  • Problem: tons of information
  • Solution:


Organizing for action gives you a sense of tremendous clarity, because you know that everything you’re keeping actually has a purpose. You know that it aligns with your goals and priorities. Instead of organizing being an obstacle to your productivity, it becomes a contributor to it.


Every idea has an “essence”: the heart and soul of what it is trying to communicate. It might take hundreds of pages and thousands of words to fully explain a complex insight, but there is always a way to convey the core message in just a sentence or two.

in the midst of a busy workday … you need to be able to quickly find just the main takeaways.

Every time you take a note, ask yourself, “How can I make this as useful as possible for my future self?”

Your notes will be useless if you can’t decipher them in the future, or if they’re so long that you don’t even try.