
  • at the plane where I’m sitting beside a father and his daughter
  • they seem to have an amazing relationship. Basically interacting as if they were best friends
    • das the relationship I strive to have w my kids, but anyways


  • I really wanted to compliment the father and tell him how much I respect him for having this relationship with his daughter
    • unfortunately, there are a lot of situations where complimenting someone is very hard and not even possible


  • what is there’s an app where you can see everyone around you and and get to send them an anonymous message.
    • we are wired to give love. It energises us to do so. At least it does for me. That app enabled/empowers everyone complement anyone around them

the problem with such kind of app:


  • so how can I protect people’s privacy, both:
    • 1: their location data being shared to me
    • 2: their profile being tracked

solution for 1:

  • open source
    • use it as a way to capture my target audience for Orbit

solution for 2:

how will people be able to identify them without sharing to much

  • what if no personal information needs to be shared
  • it’s extremely real time, and accurate so it would be easy & quickly find that person.
  • you are able to see them for just a limited amount of time in the map. You have like 10 seconds to click on a person. In there you can take your time, because no personal info would be shared in that page. It’s just a text input that they can fill.
    • if they leave, there is an option where they can put that note/compliment to the “drafts”, just like emails. And they can finish the complement anytime in the next 24 hrs
    • anytime after that, the memory and feeling you had is forgotten, so it would be hard to give an emotionally powerful compliment after 24hrs
    • the complement that the other person sees has several attributes tied to it:
      • datetime of when the person clicked on you in the map
  • they will only show up in the app for like 10 seconds, even if you are at the same location for longer than that