
  • last month was the first time I ever had to use a non-vscode IDE For a group project that I’ll be putting a lot of hours on (CPSC 575 & XCode)
    • using xcode and its shortcuts was extremely hard because they have their own key bindings. That reminded me of the power of Vim
  • It was actually my second option after automation which is what I decided to pick in the previous Study plan
  • I’m coming into this with more confidence in my ability to adapt and learn new strategies that work for me and my study plan. I’m excited to see where learning vim takes me
  • This is my third time giving Vim a try. I failed to adapt to the Vim way of doing things. The previous two times I just learned the basic commands but relied on vs code for other commands and keyboard shortcuts
  • But now I’m sure that I’ll be able to push through my comfort zone and actually learn how to use Vim properly given my current motivation and new found confidence in learning new things (thanks to this course)
  • My goal by the end of this is the be comfortable using Vim in any editor so I no longer rely on editor specific ways of doing things

Study strategies

  • I’ll be heavily relying on ai’s real-time capabilities to get instant answers on how to do something with vim
    • installed chatgpt on my mac for ease of access anytime
  • I can foresee myself sticking to my old ways so one thing I will try out is to gamify the process
    • e.g: if I get myself to learn something new with vim rather than doing it the old vscode way, I will reward myself. Otherwise I will punish myself
    • This will help with getting myself to push through the resistance of our brains (and ego) not wanting to change. in other words, it will help with Neuroplasticity.
  • the way I will learn and remember different commands is similar to how I remember names:
    • I will connect different commands with things I already know/are in my head
    • forgot the name of that strategy
  • by default I will be implementing spaced learning since I do programming almost every day
  • Just as I mentioned in Automation reflection presentation, I will continue to have good, consistent sleep since I’ve noticed that it drastically helped me learn and live with more Presence


  • if I want personal feedback I would go for my 2 ex-co-workers who are vim gods
  • But I can honestly get most of my feedback from the internet and chatgpt or the Vim discord server
  • https://www.vimtutor.sh/ if I want some sort of interactive tutorial that can help me know the basics. will use it if learning by using it in my IDE is not working for me
  • Will talk to Dante, my TA for CPSC 383 and a 4th year CS student, and presumably, also a Vim god. I plan to ask him if he has any advice on how I should approach learning Vim and if he used any (study) strategies to reach this point


  • Not sure how to schedule this because I’ll basically be learning them while programming whether it’s during my free time time or for some assignments/group projects? At first I’m sure that it will slow down my productivity, but In the long run, I shall become more productive and ergonomic
  • Will be camping for the whole reading week and won’t have service/laptop