• I have a torn meniscus
  • took spinal anesthesia(half body) but for some reason my knees couldn’t get numb. I would still feel pain despite the Anaesthesia so to speed things up they just gave me a full Anaesthesia
  • 2 hours after the surgery, I started having the worst pain and discomfort I ever felt. My bladder was never as full as it was for 3 hours starting from 11am.
  • everything was irritating me. I couldn’t stand anyone and anything. I felt like I was pregnant. Tummy had a big bulge that wouldn’t want to get out.
  • I knew the battle was 75% in my head and 25% in my body(Anaesthesia wearing off and getting back the sensation in my penis and testicles
  • I really wanted to win that mental battle. I tried so hard. Despite feeling that I’m slowly getting there, I never got close enough and I reached a point where I couldn’t sit, stand, or lie down properly. My mom has never seen my face in that much pain. I decided that I couldn’t fight it anymore so I told my mom to go ask for help asap, it was not bearable anymore.
  • not exactly sure how long it took them to get a GP with the catheter equipment(tube through my penis, it’s as horrific as it sounds) , but at that moment, it felt like an eternity
  • Now as a result, I can’t pee properly for the next 24hrs because of the burning sensation that the tube introduced
  • wanted to sleep at 12ish but ended up going to bed at 3 because I had to pee at 12 but I couldn’t get myself to let it out coz it burned sm so I had to stay up and drink a lot of water and take sodium bicarbonate to reduce the acidity of my piss(had tabbouleh salad 3 times today and one of them is my mom’s extremely sour version with tomatoes which is also acidic)