
  • realizations I had on 2024-06-06 where I got to bond with several friends n strangers.


  • reassurance that this is what I love to do and what I want to do more of


  • Jenny and uncertainty: I related to that the most. It’s something I been facing recently and didn’t deal with it the best way.
  • how people are able to come up with amazing insights on the spot.
    • I’ve noticed sometimes that as I’m responding to someone’s personal question, I realize and speak completely new things that I’ve never spoke/thought about.
    • you kind of start with a simple idea. But then that simple idea inspires another idea then that idea inspires another one and another one until you reach something very profound and that all happens as you’re speaking.
    • Improv definitely helps with that
  • similar to last topic but also noticed the power of 2/more groups in general. When Jenny talked about Uncertainty, she inspired me to say things and realize things but also what I say inspires her as well to realize other things and the loop continues

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