• Very profound realization I’ve recently had regarding my confidence levels + my my nervousness levels when talking to women
  • recently I’ve been talking to a lot of women In different contexts and situations. Ever since last week’s Women problems, I’ve been opening myself up more to interacting with them. Sometimes not for any specific purpose but just because I felt like it and I think as a result, I’m starting to take these conversations more casually so I’m more calm when talking to them which means I get to be more present.
  • aside from that, though, I think the other biggest factor that’s allowing me to remain calm is just knowing that if it doesn’t work out with that person, I have several others more that I’m actively talking to. Just having that In the back of your head kinda gives you a chip on your shoulders when talking to women.
    • you don’t need anything from that woman. You already have what you need so you won’t be acting needy and continuously try hard to pull her. You will let her initiate the pulling