Today I had somewhat of a perfect Sleep. 7.5 hours and woke up w no alarms.
When it came to the work I was doing, I was able to focus a little more but not that big of a difference. Just judging from today
But when it came to my ability to communicate and socialize, The difference was honestly night and day and I’m quite surprised. The reason I’m surprised is because I haven’t had a night where I had a good sleep. Then the next day I socialized a lot so I kind of forgot how good I was when socializing until today
There are, of course, several factors that came in hand today, but I do honestly feel like I generally felt more present socializing today. And that by itself drastically improved every aspect of Communication and
No matter how much I tell myself that can perform just as good with less sleep than the optimal AKA 7 and 1/2. It’s really hard to say, but my best guess is that in some way it can improve your life And we know for sure that it helps with your long-term health and was living longer and muscle growth
All of these we can’t directly see them but in the long term they do have compounding effects on us
I’m assuming this is exactly what the book. Why we sleep talks about and advocates for?