
  • Didn’t go as planned once again
  • I felt useless in several situations including rn. I feel inferior
  • so much time was wasted on random shit. Even more coz of bad wifi
  • I don’t know if what I did was the right decision.
    • I had a chance to find new teammates for one of my several app ideas. I went to team meet up event but as soon as I was writing my idea on a sticky note, I started thinking of all the reasons I should just stick with my team. I found so many reasons at that moment so I decided to just scratch that idea and walk straight back into my initial team


  • I really would love to use hackathons as a way to validate my ideas, but for some reason that shit just never works out.
    • reason is I can’t get other people to join me
    • I still don’t have the superior leadership and charisma to get ppl to join me in my ideas. The only thing that’s holding me back is my ability to explain myself clearly.
      • training on that while being a leader of Orbit