Rami's Universe
Dark mode
Light mode
My Areas
My Areas
My Building
My Content Creation
My Fitness
My Hobbies
My Improv
My Learning
My Second Brain
My Soul
My Travels
My Greenhouse
'there's more of me when I'm connected to you'
2 ways you can bond with people
393 reflection after learning strategies presentations
A better way to interview strangers
Acting like you're having fun
Am I wrong for sharing my sins to the world
AMA with prof Erik
AMA with Prof Erik pt2
Amazing things happen to people everyday
Any human connection can endure any how
Approaching timeleft - another social app
Asking better questions
Associating your home with negative emotions
Assume everyone is kind hearted
Asymptotic notations
Automation reflection presentation
Be an extremely slow thinker
Be friends with the cold
Beginnings and endings are the same
Being a good leader is hard
Being a Muslim alone is hard
Being a side character in everyone else's life
Being even more unfiltered
Being perceived as desperate for using my app
Being slow in BJJ
Best thing to do in the mountains alone
Best way to get out of your head in social situations
Biggest indicator of wealth
Build microstartups
Building a location sharing application with privacy, efficiency, UX, and cost in mind
Camping in the cold ain't easy
Carpe diem everyday
Carry all the people that love you everywhere you go
change is always good
Chatbots and social connection
Consumer Social resources
Context switching is costly
convo topics pitch 1 notes
Correlation between performance and importance
CPSC413 middy notes
Creating a curiosity gap to Make users use Orbit
crying after remembering mama
Customer Journey Map
Customer Journey of using Orbit
dealing with cancellation of meetups
Death is around the corner
Delaying decisions continue to hurt me
Depending on other senses when you have less
Do I show enthusiasm when presenting
Do they want to talk about it
Don't let others deal with the consequences of your failures
Earphones isolate you
Earphones kill spontaneity and curiosity
eating habits here vs back home
elevator pitch reflection
Emotionless decisions
Emotions are essential to remember things
Empower rather than educate
Europe vs Canada
Everyone has a 'project' they work on in their teens
Everyone is annoying but that's okay
Everyone wants to talk
Everything revolves around habits
Failed attempt in interviewing strangers
Feeling like a performer
Felt weak while playing basketball
Finally experiencing what it means to be a foreigner
Find cool people early on in new places
First impressions
First time feeling powerful in Jiu Jitsu
Focus on your weaknesses
Friends limit you
Fucked up the first day in Berlin
Genius is the opposite of expectation
Germany exchange program essays
Getting tired is our default in the dark
Goldilocks principle with women as well
Good things take time
Greedy Algorithms
How does the requesting system work? The rules
How I ensure that I have a good Convo with someone
How I managed to stop undervaluing myself
How I overcame shyness and social anxiety
How improv helps with speaking clearly
How it feels to be sick
How it feels to live a purposeless life
How my social battery works
How Orbit is different from other social apps
How to be socially authentic
How to be the center of attention
How to build your app with EAS
How to fit in when yr the odd one out
How to fit when around foreigners
How to get yourself to sleep early
How to grow your B2C
How to make every second count and not waste time
How to make friends in the gym
How to make your voice music to people's ears
How you start shapes the rest of your journey
I am a man of purpose
I am responsible for my wife's longevity
I am slowly becoming charismatic like adam
I basically secured a TA job
I don't like giving gifts
I don't like skateboarding to class
I don't like too much business
I don't treat time very well
I feel naked and I love it
I got too many responsibilities in my hand
I haven't fully battled all my porn demons
I miss building a friendship
I need powerful men around me
I struggle to connect thoughts while speaking
I wanna always be connected with the world
I wanna bond with everyone around me
I wanna help people approach women
I want to feel in control in a conversation
I'm a chronic maximizer
I'm an influencer
I'm not perfect but that's okay
I'm so good at one-on-one conversations
I'm sometimes very cautious and sometimes very careless
I'm still scared of silence in conversations
Importance of being friends with yourself
Improv trains you to always be ready for whatever
Inclined towards action when encountering new knowledge
individual presentations
Ineffective work sessions
Investigate the people you respect
Irrational friction
Irrational or extrinsic motivations for doing things
Irrational with time
It's crucial for new students to feel like they belong
It's Way Too Isolating Out Here And I Wanna Change That
Jumping to different topics while talking
Keep digging on these passion projects
Ken - user journey
Kinda struggling with socializing
Last day in Toronto felt so normal
Learning to enjoy the journey
Leave big decisions for the next day
Less interested in improv
Life with no prioritization sucks
LinkedIn post after IBM
main things I will focus on for 393 automations
Make everything you say a story
make them say yes before selling them
Make them speak when asking someone something
Make your interviewee your top priority
Make your videos have more personality
making the best of your opportunities
Mark - user journey
Meaning of Rooots
Men stop growing when they have a woman
Mindful consumption comes from planning ahead
Most people have some sort of purpose
Music is the devil in disguise
My 3 areas of interest within Gen AI
My brain needs proof to believe
my business model
My current life mission
My Greenhouse
My love language
My message to a funder
My morals are being tested
My muscle of approaching strangers is weakening
My new bad end-of-day habit
My time now is so valuable
My Value Proposition
Named Entity Recognition (NER)
New found green flag
No one has a why
Not dropping everything I decide to drop
Not inclined to interview ppl in big cities
Noticing the power of being calm in bjj
Now is the time to expand your network
Observant not = creepy
One thing that clearly sets me apart
only following my values when it's easy
Only work with a vision in mind
Orbit final presentation outline
Orbit onboarding questions
Orbit pains & gains
Orbit tasks
Order of info I want the user to know of the other person
Parkinson's law
People often continue convos in EU
People wanna connect
People wanna have meaningful conversations but never do
Perform at my best when I'm a leader
pornography causes you to be irritable
Post Wispr Flow call reflection
Pressure to have things figured out
Pressured to do things in Europe
Problem with consumer products
profile pics should not exist in Orbit
Prompt crafting framework
Rooots Elevator Pitch
Sales in startups
Science vs humanities
Selfish reasons for interviewing people
Set expectations in interviews
Should you buy after and earnings report
Societal expectations don't affect me
Some people don't want a platform
Something is better than nothing in improv
Standing up for myself
Startup crash course guest speaker
Stay in the moment when presenting
Stick to being around people who love us
Stopping yourself from talking to woman
Strive for certainty when traveling
Struggling to enjoy my time in groups
Struggling to share bout myself
Study plan
Take a wider perspective when stuck
task - Finding A Request To Approve
task - Onboarding Users into the App (Providing Personal Information & University ID Verification)
task - Organizing a Meetup After Matching (Mark & Ken)
task - Seamless & Easy Process to Block or Report Malicious Users
task - Send Requests To Meet Up
task - Updating Personal Information & Preferences After Account Creation
The average man sucks
The biggest confidence boosting activity
The culture map
The drugs of the gulf
The first song is stuck in my head
the gym is my playground
The importance of reflections
The importance of writing
The more attractive she is the better I speak
The one-person business model
The only way not to get nervous when talking to women
The power of empathy
The power of habits script
The principle of uncertainty
The purpose is real
The request should have a clear goal
The right way to boulder
The storming phase of creating a team
The world is your playground
There are several ways to give compliments
There's nothing left to do but launch
There's so much to talk about
Things to keep in mind for interview videos
Thinking clearly in the morning
Time over money
TMI in convos
Too scared to show my own emotions
Trust in humanity
Untitled 1
Untitled 2
Untitled 3
Untitled 4
Untitled 5
Untitled 6
use tools to your advantage when presenting
Using the pen is the day you lose your childhood
Value can be created effortlessly
Vim reflections
Walking around campus is so stimulating
Wanting to interview people stops me from having deep convos
Wasn't the best version of myself in Stanford
We are never satisfied by break times
What are others not doing that you are
What do mothers live for
What I learned using launchd
What I need to excel at communication
What is design thinking
What is my Ikigai - am I on the right path
What is peak friendship
What people actually spend money on
What technical founders are bad at
what the prof wants us to learn
What would other people do if they had your powers
When to have eye contact when speaking
Where anxiety comes from
Where I get my energy from
Why do I not feel in control during important video calls
Why I learn the way I learn
Why I should sleep more
Why I should sleep more.sync-conflict-20241021-231432-SHEOSD3
Why I wanna automate things
Why I'm stagnating
Why learning how to take in feedback is important
Why people sit alone in DC
Why teammates sometimes don't do the work
Why work on convo topics now
Working out when sick is essential
You can learn to hate unhealthy things
You can't educate people as a startup
You have the answers
You're the boss, you're in control when presenting
Your brand is your promise
Your Porn Addiction Ends With This Video
My Habits
My Habits
My Inputs
My Articles
Konik Method for Making Useful Notes
My Articles
The 3-Part Daily Routine For Maximum Productivity
Why AI didn't save us during COVID
My Books
As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow
Atomic Habits
Building a Second Brain
Hell Yes or No
How Not To Die Alone
Influence - The Psychology Of Persuasion
Into thin air
Lord Of The Flies
Make it Stick
My Books
The courage to be disliked
The third door
When Breath Becomes Air
My Podcasts
My Podcasts
My Videos
How to turn your notes into published articles and books using the Obsidian app with Eleanor Konik
My Videos
Obsidian Bookmarks - Save your place, save your headspace
My Inputs
My Outputs
My Book Applications
Atomic Habits Application
Building a Second Brain Application
Hell Yes or No Application
How not to die alone Application
Influence - The Psychology Of Persuasion Application
Into thin air Application
Lord Of The Flies Application
Make it Stick Application
My Book Applications
Sapiens Application
The courage to be disliked Application
The third door Application
When Breath Becomes Air Application
My Brainstorms
My Brainstorms
Video outline for new Obsidian video
My Essays
1517fund application
Approaching interaction.co
Approaching Kardder
Approaching Mozi
Breaking Barriers to Reflection - A GenAI-Driven Approach to Journaling
DAIN internship application
Exposing all my failures to the world for an entire week😵
FR8 hacker house application
Hunter hub application
Innovation sandbox membership application
LAHacks application
LocalHostHQ fellowship application
My Essays
Notion internship application
prompt template variations
Reddit post to noFap for part 1 porn vid
Telora application
TreeHacks 2025
UCalgary CA application
UCalgary Recovery Community
Wealthsimple application
My Recognitions
My Recognitions
Sina post-IBM recognition note
My YouTube Scripts
Earphones isolate you
The power of habits script
Why you should quit porn outro
My Outputs
My Resources
My Maps of Content (MOCs)
App Development
Approaching Strangers
Asking Questions🗣️
Decision making
Deep work
Flow state
Growth Mindset
Jiu Jitsu
Lucid Dreams
My Maps of Content (MOCs)
Public speaking
Social intelligence
Working out
Life Design
My Resources
Personal Knowledge Management
My Thoughts
2024 reflection
Alone in how I feel about people
Always ensure waiters get the tips
Amsterdam trip
An example of being socially inauthentic
Anonymously complement strangers
Approached by a dude trying to enter France illegally
Asking if they get the tips before tipping
Bavarian Alps solo trip
Border control in EU
Brainstorming video ideas to help first year students
Canada should have these morning bakeries
Conversation with Klaus during lunch
CPSC393 week 1 reflection
Crazy how things worked out in the end
current state of Rooots
Day 3 Halifax Kejimukujik
Definition of obstacle
Delayed trip leads to missing my train to Munich
End of learning Vim reflection
Faced with a morally revealing situation
Failed to rizz someone up
Feeling of belongingness in Jiu Jitsu
Final 393 reflection
Final day in Toronto
Final morning in Berlin - rushing again😩
Finding people who are willing to sing Hamilton
First day in Halifax
First time interviewing random people in public
Getting better at seizing opportunities that come up throughout my day
Homeless people offering food to the birds
Humanity let me down
I could have been part of an orchestra
I don't like coming home late at night
I felt so daring during my first UCalgary improv show
I have a torn meniscus
I have found product-user fit
I looked at myself in a dream
I love that manakish here are relatively cheap
I need to empathize with myself more
I showed someone their hidden potential in the gym
I wanna learn French
I wanna learn Vim motions
I wanna spice up someone's date
I'm extremely overwhelmed
I'm extremely overwhelmed.sync-conflict-20250115-144736-DKWJZ5S
I'm navigating uncharted territories in my entrepreneurship journey
Initial thoughts on USA and SF
Invested in a conversation in the airport and lost
Lady reading Atomic Habits in the subway
learning Vim reflection - week 3
me putting myself out there
Meniscus repair and lose body removal surgery
Met a dude with 4 wives and 9 kids
My biggest weakness in Jiu Jitsu
My experience being in treehacks and Stanford
My first negotiation (for my bike)
My one and only party night in Berlin
My Thoughts
Next steps for Rooots
No long-term friendship created in Berlin yet
Nuremberg layover
Orbit's journey is gonna be a crazy one
Post cruise interview realizations
Post-cruise video upload
Presenting my first Ted talk in the closing ceremony of TU Berlin T3
Rating questions out of 10 and personalized suggestions
Rooots onboarding
Saw a dude looking at corn at the library
Second day in Halifax
Shared lists of convo topics
Some people need some more self-awareneness
Someone I don't know was laughing at my LinkedIn post
Someone tried to steal my bike
Spontaneous trip to the Dolomites Italy
Still can't control myself when there's free food
Stopping scammers in Berlin from stealing tourist's money
Study plan reflection
Sync between Rooots and Todo n note-taking apps
Technology is isolating us
The Denmark playground trip with Elvis
The sad truth about universities
Utah camping trip
We all were beginners at some point
We want our users off our app in one month
Week 1 automation reflection
Week 1 automation reflection.sync-conflict-20241012-215949-SHEOSD3
Week 2 automation reflection
Week 3 automation reflection
What no battery in a phone does to a man
Why I wanna build Orbit
Wispr Flow quick chat
Women are with the wrong men
Women problems
You can't find solutions to problems you haven't pinpointed
My Values
Structured Thoughts
Tag: output/yt
Tag: output/yt
3 items with this tag.
Mar 06, 2025
Why you should quit porn outro
Mar 06, 2025
Earphones isolate you
Mar 06, 2025
The power of habits script